If you’re one of the Helldivers 2 who’s long boasted about being a veteran of the game’s most famous battle, or are a newer recruit who’s only ever heard the stories, it seems you could be in luck. Arrowhead’s latest message as the war rages on suggests the fighting’s headed back to the corner of the galaxy that’s home to the infamous Malevelon Creek.
If you’re in that second category, and somehow haven’t heard folks in-game or on the socials saying stuff like ‘Remember the Creek’ or ‘I left part of myself on the Creek’, let me introduce you to one of the first planets that – in Helldivers 2’s earliest days last year – earned itself a reputation for particularly fierce fighting. The Automaton-infested Malevelon Creek was quickly nicknamed ‘Robot Vietnam’, both due to how intense a battleground it was, and its cool Terminator-esque vibes.
Well, having faded into obscurity a bit, it now looks like it could be on the conflict menu once again soon. “The Automaton Incineration Corps has stolen vast swaths of ground from our citizens, burning thousands of toxin-free homes to the ground,” reads the message Arrowhead put out after players failed the latest major order, “The Helldivers fought valiantly, but the underhanded opportunism of the Automatons allowed the enemy significant gains. The enemy remains at large.”
“Reports indicate the enemy’s strategic goal is to seize old industrial assets in the Severin Sector, where the Automatons first emerged. Insufficient E-710 was gathered to deploy the Penrose Energy Siphon. The asset remains on standby, inactive as the Meridian Singularity rapidly moves towards Ivis.”
It’s the bit about the Severin Sector that’s got folks speculating about a return to Robot Vietnam, since that system’s home to five planets – Maia, Durgen, Ubanea, Tibit, and – you guessed it – Malevelon Creek.
What will a return to the Creek look like, given all that’s changed in the game and all the new gear players have gotten since it last played a major role in the war? Well, that’s the question HD2 vets on Reddit are asking. The greenhorns are gonna be disappointed with the Creek,” one argued, “When we were there last time it was with the old bots and a lot of new players. It’s not gonna be anywhere near as bad this time… I hope.”
“If we do go back to the Creek, I hope we get some new set pieces to signify the campaign fought there,” another player suggested, “Used weapon pods that are overgrown, maybe destroyed objectives that are slowly being rebuilt, completed RTF markers on normal POIs, maybe bunkers that are already opened, but are filled with rubble and debris. Just something to signify that helldivers were here before and fought hard. It’d be a little disappointing to go back and see that nothing significant has changed.”
Are you keen for Robot Vietnam round two to happen, or would you rather not risk it potentially not hitting the same way it once did? Let us know below!