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Nintendo announces Nintendo Today, a new app that’ll beam Switch 2 news directly into your eyeballs 24/7, plus a “Virtual Game Card” system

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You. Yes, you. Do you get enough Nintendo Switch 2 news and updates on the daily for your liking? Do you long for another Nintendo thing to look at when you’re not actually playing Switch games or being dragged away from the cousin of death by the cries of your Alarmo? Well, as announced at today’s Nintendo Direct, you’re getting it in the form of Nintendo Today.

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Yep, Nintendo was sort of telling porkies when it suggested that today’s showcase wouldn’t feature anything Switch 2-y (to be fair, there were no games or for or proper updates on the new console, which is what it actually meant), because that what next week’s Switch 2 Direct is for.

Right at the end of the broadcast, Shigeru Miaymoto popped up to announce Nintendo Today, which is a new mobile app the company’s launching today (puns), essentially to give you a thing to aggressively stare at until some news about the Switch 2 pops up. Hey, you can already do that here, and in that case it comes with the added boon of having to endure the, er, unique personalities of me and my cherished colleagues.

Regardless, Ninty’s decided this needs to be a thing and was worth rolling big Shigeru out for. “Since 2011 Nintendo Direct has delivered Nintendo news directly to you and now these presentations have grown into an event that many people watch,” he said, “We’ll continue to broadcast Nintendo Direct presentations but we’re also launching a new channel based on the concept of delivering information to you directly.”

I’ve quoted that mainly because I wanted you, the reader, to get a proper sense of how excruciating this punning was to hear in real time. Miyamoto also did a funny hand pose each time he said the word directly.

Anyway, the app is available today via the Apple and Google Play stores, though you will need a Nintendo account to use it. For now, it’ll deliver you Switch news daily, and after the big Switch 2 Direct on April 2, it’ll deliver you Switch 2 news as well – with the latter clearly being the big selling point here.

Aside from that, Nintendo did announce one other thing related to its hardware in this Direct – a “Virtual Game Card” system that’ll be deployed via an OG Switch system update in April. Basically, when you buy a digital Switch game and load it as a “digital game card” which can then be loaded up on s second Switch console too. You can also lend out games to Switch Family Group members locally using it.

Do you like recieving Switch 2 info DIRECTLY? Let us know below!

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