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The Hollow Knight: Silksong horde is stirring up again amid claims today’s Nintendo Direct will feature a third-party game that “will cause a lot of conversation”

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Yep, they’re letting themselves be set up for potential heartbreak again. It’s the gang of folks who just really want to play Hollow Knight: Silksong, and this time a mysterious comment that may or may not be hinting at their game showing up at today’s March 27 Nintendo Direct.

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That said, they’ve at least got more than just these words as a reson to think something Silksongy might actually be about to happen – possibly, maybe, potentially, perhaps, there is a less than 0% chance. Remember, Xbox recently mentioned Silksong in cheeky blog post fashion, and then there were those Steam updates that, among other things, suggested it’ll be coming to GeForce Now.

So, what’s kicked Hornet’s nest this time? Well, it’s that pesky Jeff Grubb from Giant Bomb, with his funny jokes and nice smile. During a recent Power Block livestream, about 20 minutes in, he said the following regarding today’s March 27 Nintendo showcase:

“I wonder how I can phrase this. The reason I heard about a [Nintendo] Direct originally is because of a a partner game and I think that when we get out of this Direct if, no matter what is the most exciting game there will be one game that causes the most conversation and it won’t be about Nintendo necessarily. That’s all I can say, I’m sorry for teasing it.”

Naturally, the Silksong hive have assumed this comment to be about Team Cherry’s game, since it fits the billing of being a third-party game set to hit the Switch that would have a reason to cause a lot of chatter – that being that it has already throughout this whole up and down saga of waiting for any news on it. Cue posts yelling things like “Could this be Silksong?” and sharing memes to that effect. There’s also one poster urging the hive of skongers to “Please be normal if the game isn’t shown tomorrow.”

No chance mate. They’ve been waiting since at least 2019, to be fair, and endured stuff like cake theories. They will not chill out, they will not be un-hyped. They’re on this rollercoaster until the game’s out or for life if never does, and you will not stop them from pre-emptively going ‘Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee’ every time they get to a climb that feels like it could be teeing up a plunge into the fast bit they’ve been waiting for.

Have you hopped on the Silksong hope rollercoaster ahead of today’s Direct, and do you think it’ll show up? Let us know below!

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