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UPDATE: Helldivers 2 dev Arrowhead pauses the entire Galactic War to fix a key bug that was “harming the game experience”, so naturally players have canonized this “winter truce”

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UPDATE (28/02/25, 3:50 PM GMT): Arrowhead has now resumed the Galactic War. “We have deployed a fix to our backend which we believe has solved the issue with liberation rates. Players can now make contributions to planet liberation and engage with the Galactic War again,” it tweeted.

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If you’re wondering how this is being rationalised lore-wise, Arrowhead’s told players: “High Command would like to inform all personnel that nothing out of the ordinary has happened in the past 24 hours. The fight for Managed Democracy has continued in an inspiring—but entirely expected—manner.

“Personnel who believe they have experienced or witnessed any sort of anomalous occurrences may be suffering from Illuminate mind-influence, and should report themselves for psychological screening immediately.” Nice.

Stop what you’re doing! You heard me, Helldivers 2 players, cease killing s**t if you’ve not done so already. Arrowhead’s brought the entire Galactic War to a halt for a bit, so that it can fix an issue that it thinks “will have detrimental effects on the war mechanic in the future”.

Don’t worry about those “moderately feeble young adults” you were busy trying to save, they’ve been gently pushed out of harm’s way.

“Today we updated our backend and we have encountered an error that is affecting planet liberation rates, causing them to skyrocket,” Arrowhead explained in a post about this suspension of bug and bot battling, “While we know this is fun, we also know that it is breaking the Galactic War mechanic itself. In short, this is harming the game experience and will have detrimental effects on the war mechanic in the future.

“We have made the decision to pause the Galactic War temporarily until this is fixed. We’re already starting the process, but we do not yet have an ETA for this fix. You will still be able to play Helldivers 2, but you cannot make any contributions to liberating planets or advancing the War.

“This is our mistake and we own it,” the studio added, “We are not going to revert any of the damage done by this error, however, so your major order victory is still secure.”

So, that might explain how Bekvam III fell back under enemy control so rapidly the other day – something players have flagged as feeling a bit harsh. As of writing, there don’t look to have been any further updates as to when things’ll be back to normal.

Not that it matters to Super Earthers. Judging by the landslide of memes comparing this to World War 1’s christmas truce, but this time with divers, automatons, terminids, and Illuminate meeting in the no man’s land of planets they can’t make any progress on right now, the propaganda department isn’t going to have its work cut out for it.

How are you spending your Galactic War intermission? Let us know below!

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